Trial post 3

Writing is a struggle.-construct. The gaps can be ‘completely missing’ – very fearful, or it can be not too thorough, or it can be we are just in the wrong part of our neural construct to access it and it takes. Amount for the mind to shift its retrieval focus and we feel confused.  

Fear is lack of information and perpetrators use this to make us feel bad. They will ‘drill us’ until we realise (this sentence needs its own post.)



Surprise and shock are both forms of fear with cognition. When we are surprised by an event it means we are not ready for it. As our neural-construct operates by association, if we are not in the ‘the zone’ then if something happens we will be surprised even if we actually know what to do. The reason for this is because our consciousness is looking in the wrong area of our neural-network and the ‘answers’ or ‘behaviours’ are not close by, so the initial reaction of the mind is to be scared, however the mind rapidly moves focus form the area we were in to the area we need to be in, and suddenly our answers/behaivour is clear. So the fear is no longer required. “You scared me’ or “you surprised me” are actually the same thing.  


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