Using the ‘Scaling primary emotion chart’
How to use the ‘Scaling Primary Emotions’ Chart This is a technical document for people who want to learn to scale their emotions, or…
Trial post 4
Wail. so this is a trial and I need more to writeWrok this until you get confusion Then talk about the neural-construct and how fear…
Trial post 3
Writing is a struggle.-construct. The gaps can be ‘completely missing’ – very fearful, or it can be not too thorough, or it can be we…
Trial Post 2
A collection of cute.Wrok this until you get confusiut the neural-construct and how fear is when there is no answer – no ‘how to behave’ …
Trial Post 1
That’s a Surprise and shock are both forms of fear with cognition. When we are surprised by an event it means we are not ready…
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writingWrok this until you get confusion Then talk about the neural-construct…